#WomenWednesdays Spotlighting 爱丽丝劳


Our bwin体育苹果下载iOS俱乐部 members were treated to an exclusive Q&文艺复兴时期的女人,bwin体育苹果下载iOS行业的通才, 爱丽丝劳, on 8 January, as part of the first bwin体育苹果下载iOS俱乐部 2022年事件! 

We were so thrilled to host Alice, 谁分享了她丰富多彩的职业生涯中令人难以置信的故事, spanning the worlds of comedy, 电视, 和bwin体育苹果下载iOS, as well as some amazing pieces of practical, down-to-earth advice for our emerging filmmakers. 

 Image credits (c) The Guardian

Alice has written and starred in the 本·惠特利 导演的观光客”(2012)他自编自导自演了这部恐怖喜剧。Prevenge”(2016), which she accomplished while pregnant. She has written three seasons of “爱丽丝的Wunderland”, 这是一部为BBC广播4台播出的超现实主义喜剧,目前正在制作她的下一部bwin体育苹果下载iOS。”Timestalker’. 除了她的编剧和导演项目,爱丽丝还主演了bwin体育苹果下载iOS,如 Edgar Eright’s ‘Hot Fuzz’ (2007), the children’s TV educational series ‘可怕的历史”, 查理·布鲁克的 互动剧集”Black Mirror: Bandersnatch’ (2018)

该活动在Zoom上举行,与会者有机会向Alice提出自己的问题! 向下滚动阅读爱丽丝对这次活动的一些评论和建议. 

On comedy, finding your niche: 

Comedy was not the industry I thought I was going to go into. Comedy as a niche is a much smaller pool; once you get involved in it, you get to know everyone in the comedy world. 我在职业生涯的早期就开始专攻,我认为这是个不错的主意. Really decide which small field you want to be a part of. Although I didn’t really decide, I just sort of fell into it!



At that stage there were not many women in comedy. 20年前,如果你去爱丁堡,几乎没有女演员. 被训练成女演员的女性比bwin体育苹果下载iOS和电视中的女性角色要多得多. 但在喜剧中, it was a bit more of an open field for women, even though there weren’t as many women around, which was it’s own challenge in a way.



On making the jump from acting to writing: 

我不认为自己是一名作家,所以这需要一点精神上的转变. 我得到了一个我无法拒绝的机会. 我发现我真的, 真的很喜欢写作, that’s actually what I should have been doing all along! I realised that rather than sitting passively, 作为一名演员, waiting for someone to hire me, I could write my own material.



On confidence and imposter syndrome:

Financial security did not arrive until I was in my 30s. My 20s was one big scramble for survival, financially. I also struggled with confidence; I wasn’t sure if I was good enough. I was still learning my craft. There was always this feeling of imposter syndrome. It’s very hard to work out what you actually want to do. 有时候你会觉得你没有成功,因为你没有尝试正确的道路, which is actually a very normal process, 我认为.



In your 20s you’re supposed to make mistakes. Creativity is a reward in itself. I would still be doing what I do even if it wasn’t paying me. 继续做东西,继续学习,不要太关注它的成功或失败. The people who have that attitude are the ones who succeed. And those are the people who get the work. 人们可以感觉到你是认真的,你对自己所做的事情有一种正直的感觉.



表现自信并不是假装你很聪明或完美. Real confidence is saying that you don’t know. As a young person, how would you know everything? And no one ever knows everything! 能够说“我不明白,你能给我解释一下吗??”, that’s actually a confident thing to do. It shows that you want to learn.



 Image credits (c) The Guardian

On creating your own opportunities: 

我认为 you have to take the power into your own hands. With the internet, everything has changed so much. You can get a really cheap camera 和bwin体育苹果下载iOS your own stuff. 你可以制作自己的bwin体育苹果下载iOS,这在20年前是不可能做到的. The fact that you can put your film on YouTube, it can become a viral sensation, be watched by millions of people, 这改变了一切. 你可以证明你的材料以完全不同的方式起作用.



It is a stressful industry; there are ups and downs emotionally. It’s very hard to find an equilibrium with that. Really you have to treat it like a job. 仅仅说“我写了一个剧本,前三页写得很好”是不够的. 没有人可以批评或使用你的工作,除非你完成了全部工作.




The more you do it, the better you get. 即使没有观众,也要继续制作短片. 每一次拍摄,每一次写剧本,你都变得越来越好. I’ve been writing a lot over the last two years, I’ve become a much better writer because of that. It’s like practicing the piano. 无论你有多少天赋或技能,你都必须不断磨练自己的手艺. 我的工作, 我不总是思考, “What do people want to see, 什么东西会卖出去?”, 但实际上, “What do I want to learn next?”. 这是一种鞭策自己的好方法,每次你都在把自己的技能提升一个档次.



尽早发现错误,尽快写出初稿,哪怕是糟糕的初稿. Your first film might be terrible, your first script might be terrible, 但在你把它说出来之前你是不会变得更好的. While you’re sitting there and dwelling on your ideas, 还有人拍了四部短片,还写了一部故事片的剧本. You can’t hang around, you have to just do it. You need to have something to show for your work; a short film, 一个脚本, or a few scenes you’ve shot. It’s better to have smaller ideas that you can make now, 向人们展示, than a huge big budget idea that will take years to get made.




A hidden resource is the collaborators you have around you. You have to find your gang of people who you will work with. You have to find the people who believe in you so much, that they think it’s worth making your film for free. The people who manage to do their things, on their own terms in the industry, 通常有一帮朋友和合作者在他们身边支持他们. 他们一起合作,而且可能一开始是免费的. If you get on with someone, or you have a similar sensibility creatively, you have to hold onto them, 因为20年后你可能还在和他们一起工作.



Your peers are really important. 如果他们有才能,你们可以合作,一起在事业上取得进步. You will be more than the sum of your parts. 我的很多合作者都是我在没有报酬的时候认识的人, but we were just making material together. You need that friend who will say, “Yes you can film in my garden”, “My mum will make us lunch if we make a short film”. 根据你已经可以拍摄的空间写一个剧本. 看看你身边已经有哪些资源,并在这些资源的基础上进行开发.



I often give scripts to friends, they give theirs to me. We do script swaps and give notes to each other. 以一种明智的方式使用这种不需要付费的资源是至关重要的. 你必须能够接受笔记和反馈,这就是你的工作. 你交了一个剧本,没有人会认为它是完美的. You may as well get used to the criticism early, 来自你的朋友, 而不是认为你永远不需要回复制作人的笔记. 即使是付钱给你的人也会给你一些你不喜欢的纸条. You need to learn to field those and respond to them.




I never start writing without having a structure, now. 从对话或角色开始,就像在你建造房子之前买了灯一样. 建造你的房子, get the structure in place, then when you’ve done all the building, you can do the fun stuff like picking the pillows and the wallpaper; the dialogue, the quirks and details of the characters. 我现在肯定有一个过程,我把故事一砖一瓦地构建起来.



On being a woman in the industry: 

我将永远从女性的角度,热情地争取让我的想法获得通过. 人们认为这是不真实的,因为他们不习惯在屏幕上看到它. 有时候你在为一些你认为不应该出现在屏幕上的东西而奋斗. 这始终是关于改进工作,并确保它尽可能地好和真实. 如果人们认为你是出于自我而战,你永远不会赢. 你必须努力使作品变得更好,并捍卫作品.



 Image credits (c) Red Online

以下是我们的俱乐部成员对这个奇妙的Q的看法&A session with 爱丽丝劳!: 

Thank you so, so much for your really brilliant advice. 这真的引起了共鸣-感谢爱丽丝和LFA的精彩提问 & A!



非常鼓舞人心的. 谢谢你❤



Thank you Alice and LFA! This was very informative and enjoyable.




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